Welcome to our website.
Meet our dedicated team of innovators, educators, managers, consultants, designers, and school site specialists. We invite you to learn more about our products and services, our history and mission, and our proudest accomplishment of all: our people. Most of the dreamers, architects and builders of this success story have been with SI&A since inception.
We are a collaborative corps of hard-working, straight talking, and service-driven individuals. We believe in education. We can help you, your students and their families achieve great things.
We were founded in 2003, and have grown from our origins as the back-office facilitator for most of California’s school districts and county offices of education, into the creator of unparalleled products, most notably The Achievement Initiative, powered by Attention2Attendance® (A2A), a software solution that decreases school absenteeism by as much as 25 percent – and works 100 percent of the time.
Before expanding outside of California, we started as a compliance company dealing with the complex and constantly changing climate of state regulations, economic recession, school funding priorities and politically shifting paradigms.
Today our signature product – The Achievement Initiative – has created a new standard. The Achievement Initiative will improve your attendance numbers, bottom line and, most important, your students’ lives.
Welcome to our website.
Meet our dedicated team of innovators, educators, managers, consultants, designers, and school site specialists. We invite you to learn more about our products and services, our history and mission, and our proudest accomplishment of all: our people. Most of the dreamers, architects and builders of this success story have been with SI&A since inception.
We are a collaborative corps of hard-working, straight talking, and service-driven individuals. We believe in education. We can help you, your students and their families achieve great things.
We were founded in 2003, and have grown from our origins as the back-office facilitator for most of California’s school districts and county offices of education, into the creator of unparalleled products, most notably The Achievement Initiative, powered by Attention2Attendance® (A2A), a software solution that decreases school absenteeism by as much as 25 percent – and works 100 percent of the time.
Before expanding outside of California, we started as a compliance company dealing with the complex and constantly changing climate of state regulations, economic recession, school funding priorities and politically shifting paradigms.
Today our signature product – The Achievement Initiative – has created a new standard. The Achievement Initiative will improve your attendance numbers, bottom line and, most important, your students’ lives.
Welcome to our website.
Meet our dedicated team of innovators, educators, managers, consultants, designers, and school site specialists. We invite you to learn more about our products and services, our history and mission, and our proudest accomplishment of all: our people. Most of the dreamers, architects and builders of this success story have been with SI&A since inception.
We are a collaborative corps of hard-working, straight talking, and service-driven individuals. We believe in education. We can help you, your students and their families achieve great things.
We were founded in 2003, and have grown from our origins as the back-office facilitator for most of California’s school districts and county offices of education, into the creator of unparalleled products, most notably The Achievement Initiative, powered by Attention2Attendance® (A2A), a software solution that decreases school absenteeism by as much as 25 percent – and works 100 percent of the time.
Before expanding outside of California, we started as a compliance company dealing with the complex and constantly changing climate of state regulations, economic recession, school funding priorities and politically shifting paradigms.
Today our signature product – The Achievement Initiative – has created a new standard. The Achievement Initiative will improve your attendance numbers, bottom line and, most important, your students’ lives.
Did we miss you at the ACSA 2022 Leadership Conference?
If you didn't get the chance to attend our presentation "What Every Superintendent and Cabinet Executive Needs to Know About Attendance Management & Achievement," or stop by our booth, and if you're finding challenges getting students to school, then you need to talk to us right away!
Need evidence of success?
Watch these short clips from a webinar with one of our partners as they discuss how adopting a systems approach has transformed their staff and made them more effective, made communicating to students and families better, and produced positive results since implementing during the pandemic.
Built for today’s challenges and beyond, SI&A's Attendance Management System (AMS), The Achievement Initiative, is a three to five year strategic plan accelerator that changes behavior and increases student success.
With a multi-tiered system of support and a continuous improvement model, The Achievement Initiative produces measurable results year after year.
Improves attendance.
Creates better outcomes for all students.
Equity is built into the process.